How Our Essences Were Inspired
IN June 2002, an older man in the community I live in committed suicide. There was no apparent reason for this action, no financial, medical or business worries in the life of this well respected husband, brother, father, grandfather. The day he took this action was his daughter’s thirtieth birthday.
As we tend to, this matter was discussed at work and I became aware of a pattern of similar act over a number of years within the district. Talking to other friends I became aware of similar patterns in other rural areas.
I put a mental note up to the Universe to make me aware of anything that I might be able to do make a difference to this overlooked group in our community before they became additional statistics.
Approximately three months later I was at the Australian Kinesiology Association conference in Adelaide when I was made aware that there was a flower essence to be made. A few days later, on the plane flying out of Adelaide, I was given an image of the particular flower in my vicinity, which would make a difference. It was Eutaxia densiflora.
There is quite a story behind how I came to find this flower, and along the way several other flowers asked to be made into essences as well. Before I knew it I had a kit of essences call Spring Equinox.
In December the same year, I was asked to make an essences of the Western Australian Christmas Tree. This is a beautiful golden orange flowered tree which has always had the ability to lift my spirits when I glimpse the first blossoms of the season.
I went to make this one more essence, only to be confronted by other flowers asking to be included in a new call called Bibbulmun Dreaming. The Bibbulmun people were indigenous to the area in which these flowers were collected, just east of Perth.
Since these first two kits I have collected other essences from forest areas near where I grew up in our picturesque south coast and others from the same areas in which the first two kits were produced.
Who knows what more might come my way?
I just go where the Universe leads me!
In Light & Love, Irene