Flower Essence Therapy Western Australia: The When, How And Why?

Written by Irene Oram

Flower Essence Therapy – Increasingly, modern science is coming to understand and document, what healers have known for centuries – that many physical ailments have an underlying emotional causation.

Flower Essences provide us with a safe, gentle and very subtle method of addressing energetic imbalances in our lives. An energetic imbalance can present in  many ways which may be summarised as any or all of the following:

  • A physical ailment
  • A mental or emotional distress, or
  • A spiritual conflict

In using flower essences, we should regard them as complementary to mainstream medical and mental health services, rather than replacing these.

Flower Essence Therapy - Innate Healing Essences
Flower Essence Therapy - Innate Healing Essences

When Were Flower Essences First Used?

First Nations peoples from around the world have used plants for eons as a means of healing, and we have documentation from ancient Egyptian papyrus scrolls and Greek records showing their use in those civilisations.

The earliest record in more recent times is from the twelfth centurry where Hildegard von Bingen used flowers to address emotional imbalances.

In the fourteenth century the Swiss healer Paracelsus records using flower essences with great effect.

In the early twentieth century the Harley Street physician, Edward Bach created the 38 essences which bear his name. His belief in their efficacy was so strong that he left his practice and moved to Wales to create these essences and we are told he never charged for his services again.

Following in the footsteps of Bach, many people from many countries around the world have created essences from the plants which are native to their own countries.

How Do Flower Essences work?

Unlike pharmaceuticals or some herbal medicines, flower essences do not work by intervention on a bio-chemical level to suppress symptoms. They work through vibrational resonance to assist the body to use its own innate healing capacity to restore a balance or homeostasis to the target human (or other creature).

All plants and animals (including humans) have individual vibrational energy patterns. When we are in a state of imbalance, our vibrational frequency is reflected in this imbalance. A flower essence or a combination of several essences can be used to bring these frequencies back into the normal resonance.


Flower Essence Therapy - Innate Healing Essences
Flower Essence Therapy - Innate Healing Essences

Why Would Anyone Use Flower Essences?

Unlike essential oils, flower essences use homeopathic principles in their production, and can be used in a wide variety of ways ranging from taking internally through to topical application or inhaling in from a diffuser.

Positive outcomes from using flower essences can include:

  • improved peace of mind,
  • calming of anxiety during stressful times
  • increased ability to experience joy or optimism
  • deeper and more meaningful relationships
  • forgiveness and understanding of self and others
  • improved focus and clarity
  • increased confidence in one’s own ability or direction