A series of eight modules of approximately three hours duration each.
This allows for one hour of instruction on the essences in each kit and two hours for students to pair off and work with the issues applicable to the essences.

Module One
An introduction to flower essences
History, manufacture, blending, selection and application. For students who have already learned muscle monitoring this module would be three hours, if students do not yet know muscle monitoring, additional time may be allocated. I also prefer to include at least one meditation session where students use an essence in their own healing process without another practitioner.
Subsequent modules take participants through a personal journey of healing and reconnection of body, mind and spirit along the theme of each kit. These sessions can be used to reinforce kinesiology techniques already taught or incorporated into new techniques. As a stand alone flower essence course, I cover muscle monitoring, use of a pendulum and body pendulum and use of energy changes to select essences.

Module Two
Rainbow Coast & Jarrah Forest Collection
Bring balance to relationships with self and others and to enhance acceptance of creativity and other talents.

Module Three
Crystal Dreaming Collection
Bring balance to areas of personal development, and assist in strengthening the leadership and supporting aspects of life.

Module Four
Midlands Collection
Integrated learning and easing times of change. These may also assist in developing greater tolerance and acceptance of others and an appreciation of the value of diversity.

Module Five
Spring Equinox
Reversing the isolation of depression to reconnect self with Divine Love, and bring out awareness of the love support available to all.

Module Six
Gondwana Collection
Regain resilience and regeneration of body mind and spirit, after times of intense stress and adversity.

Module Seven
Bibbulmun Dreaming Collection
Takes us further on our journey of discovery of self as a balanced, valued, loving and loved member of our Universal Community.

Module Eight
Male and Female archetypes based on the essences from each of the other six kits. These finalise the journey of personal and spiritual growth which the Innate Healing Essences take one through.
Assessment Process:
Practical Application: Observation during the classes of students selecting and blending essences and performing balances relevant to the related issue.
60% of total marks
Written Assessment: Students to complete personal journal of their experiences during the course and for three weeks after the course. These will relate to their experiences using the essences, but may also include feedback from others in relation to balances performed using the essences.
40% of Total marks
If you are interested in more information about this course, or you would like to register your interest in taking the course, please fill out this brief form and we will be in touch.