Inner Joy
$15.70Rediscover your inner child and the joy hidden within yourself.
Size: 25 ml Stock Strength
Blended Essences ready to use in 25 ml dose strength bottles
Create Your Future
$15.70This essence assists you to move on from negative or difficult situations or relationships.
Size: 25 ml Stock Strength
Blended Essences ready to use in 25 ml dose strength bottles
Aura Cleanse
$15.70Cleanse your energy fields and provide psychic protection.
Size: 25 ml Stock Strength
Blended Essences ready to use in 25 ml dose strength bottles
Ascension Essence
$15.70This essence assists you to connect with your higher self and with Divine Love.
Size: 25 ml Stock Strength
Blended Essences ready to use in 25 ml dose strength bottles
Ancient Wisdom
$15.70Tap into the tribal links and the wisdom of the ages.
Size: 25 ml Stock Strength
Blended Essences ready to use in 25 ml dose strength bottles
Affinity Essence
$15.70This essence draws the most appropriate relationships to you and allows a change of energy around inappropriate relationships.
Size: 25 ml Stock Strength
Blended Essences ready to use in 25 ml dose strength bottles
Archetypes Collection
$167.00. Contains 12 stock archetypes of kits K1 to K6
Size: 15 ml Stock Strength X 12 Bottles
Gondwana Collection
$167.00. Contains 12 stock essences to regain resilience and regeneration of body mind and spirit, after times of intense stress and adversity. Eucalyptus patens, Grevillea, Hakea lissocarpha, Hovea, Isopogen, Macrozamia, Melaleuca, Olearia, Drosera, Ptilotus, Xanthorrhoea gracilis, Xanthorrhoea priessii.
Size: 15 ml Stock Strength X 12 Bottles
Midlands Collection
$167.00Contains 12 stock essences for integrated learning and easing times of change. This also assists in bringing about attitudes of greater tolerance and acceptance of others and an appreciation of the value of diversity.: Acacia, Banksia grandis, Caladenia lobata, Caladenia longiclavata, Diuris longifolia, Dryandra, Elythranthera, Leschenaultia, leocopogon nutans, Thelymitra, Banksia prionoites, Rhyzanthella.
Size: 15 ml Stock Strength X 12 Bottles
Crystal Dreaming Collection
$167.00Contains 12 stock essences to bring balance to areas of personal development, and assist in strengthening leadership and supportive aspects of life. Adenanthus, Beaufortia, Billardiera, Euchilopsis, Fanklandia, Hakea sessilis, Hibbertia cuniforis, Hibbertia enervia, Leptospermum, Pimelia, Stylidium, Conspicuous Cliffs.
Size: 15 ml Stock Strength X 12 Bottles
Rainbow Coast & Jarrah Forest Collection
$167.00Contains 12 stock essences to bring balance to relationships with self and others and to enhance acceptance of creativity and other talents.: Anigozanthus flavidus, Anigozanthus manglesii, Banksia sphaerocarpa, Boronia megastigma, Boronia caerulescens, Caladenia flava, Caladenia longicauda, Clematis, Hardenbergia, Leucopogin, Philotheca, Westringia Dampieri.
Size: 15 ml Stock Strength X 12 Bottles
Bibbulmun Dreaming Collection
$167.00Contains 12 stock essences to take us further on our journey of discovery of self as a balanced, valued, loving and loved member of our Universal Community. Ashendon Rd, Boulder Rock, Christmas Tree Well, Conospermum, Gompholobium, Hibbertia, Isotoma, Ixiochlamys, Nuytsia, Rodanthe chlorocephala, Rodanthe pygmaea, Templetonia.
Size: 15 ml Stock Strength X 12 Bottles