“I’d do it myself if I only knew how”. For absorbing and integrating knowledge and understanding.
Size: 15 ml Stock Strength
Allows the individual to connect with the strength and support of those around as well as a realisation of inner strength.
Increases sense of being part of “The Whole”; and of being protected mentally, physically and psychically.
Is aware of self as spiritual being and feels connected to Universal Love. Identifies with spiritual and tribal ties.
Appreciates self; recognizes own talents/strengths; capable; feeling able to stand in own strength against domination.
To increase the awareness of Universal Spirit energy in every corner of our lives.
Allows a reconnection with the support and nurturing people and natural elements.of the environment surrounding.
Aware of the needs of others and while self-sufficient – not to the detriment of others; add to & draw strength from and contribute to Community.
. This essence reconnects the heart with the tribal (traditional) links and with community values and the environment that sustains one.
Counteract the grey foggy clouds that engulf the mind, bringing the isolation of depression. Reverses desire to be a hermit, and allows recognition of those who are supportive.
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