Diuris Longifolia - Wallflower Orchid
Westringia Rigida -Stiff Westringia
Hibbertia Grossularifolia - Large Buttercup.
Caladenia Longicauda - White Spider Orchid
Gompholobium Polymorphum
Billardiera Variifolia
Diuris Corymbosa - Common Donkey Orchid.
Banksia Grandis - Bull Banksia
Westringia Dampieri
Calytrix Variabilis - Starflower (Purple variety)
Adenanthus Obovatus - Basket Flower
Euchilopsis Linearis - Swamp Pea
Beaufortia Sparsa - Swamp Bottlebrush
Caladenia Lobata - Butterfly Orchid
Elythranthera Brunonsis - Purple enamel orchid
Leucopogin Verticillatus - Tassel Flower.
Ixiochlamys Filicifolia
Rhodanthe Pygmaea - Small Daisy
Boronia Megastigma - Brown Boronia.
Eutaxia Densifolia - Egg & Bacon Plant
Nuytsia Florabunda- Western Australian Christmas Tree.
Boronia Caerulescens - Pink Swamp Boronia
Philotheca Brucei - Pepper & Salt.
Conospermum Cinoreum - Smokebush
Caladenia Flava - Cowslip Orchid
Templetonia Biloba
Goodenia Dyerii
Clematis Pubescens - Native Clematis
Dampiera Angulata Essence
Caladenia Longiclavata - Clubbed Spider Orchid
Eremaea Beaufortioides (var microphylla)
Kennedia Nigricans - Black Coral Pea
Hardenbergia Comptoniana - Native wisteria
Isotoma Hypocraterformis - Wood Bridge Poison
Rhodanthe Chlorocephala - Everlasting Daisy.
Acacia Saligna - Orange Wattle
Banksia Sphaerocarpa - Fox Banksia
Anigozanthus Flavidus - Albany Kangaroo Paw
Anigozanthus Manglesii - Red & Green Kangaroo Paw.
Amyema Conspicua - Mistletoe
Assists in overcoming self imposed isolation and draws like-minded people into one’s sphere of influence.
Size: 15 ml Stock Strength
“I’d do it myself if I only knew how”. For absorbing and integrating knowledge and understanding.
“It is OK to be different.” Bringing out the true self with confidence, and encouraging others to show their inner qualities.
Healing from the beginning or base and working up. Preparing the physical base and then integrating the mental & emotional.
Bringing together mental and emotional aspects to work together, teaming energies to work together, integrated.
. Overcomes the need to look for the support of others when speaking out. Reinforces belief in truth and value of what you have to say.
Guidance for the next step forward. Assists in overcoming uncertainty of the correct course of action to take. A Pathfinder.
Drawing together all aspects of mental, physical and spiritual strengths along with external supports to deal with the issue at hand.
To assist in realising all one’s gifts and talents, not necessarily excelling in all areas but developing skills as appropriate.
To promote fun & joy, consolidating forces together for strength to achieve goals with ease.
This essence is for restoring and strengthening the awareness of the Divine Love, which surrounds us all – even when we forget it.
This essence assists in dissolving the barriers that hold others at a distance. Allowing others into our lives.
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