Boronia Caerulescens - Pink Swamp Boronia
Conscious of self while acknowledging & appreciating the value of the talents and gifts of others; works together for the benefit of all.
Size: 15 ml Stock Strength
Far sighted; Supportive and compliments the strengths of others; social interaction for the benefit of all.
Endurance; strength of will and character; raised self-esteem; finds strength in others & draws this into self.
Increases the protection of love around those who give too much of themselves to others, to their own detriment.
Finding joy in small things; re-connects with nature; connected with family and tribe; supported and supportive.
Assists those who hide their gifts and talents to connect to their sense of worth and value, to shine quietly in their own strength.
Allows the individual to connect with the strength and support of those around as well as a realisation of inner strength.
Increases sense of being part of “The Whole”; and of being protected mentally, physically and psychically.
Is aware of self as spiritual being and feels connected to Universal Love. Identifies with spiritual and tribal ties.
Appreciates self; recognizes own talents/strengths; capable; feeling able to stand in own strength against domination.
To increase the awareness of Universal Spirit energy in every corner of our lives.
Allows a reconnection with the support and nurturing people and natural elements.of the environment surrounding.
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