For moving through times of change. “And this too, shall pass.” For bringing positive experiences into a new era, and releasing the negative aspects of the past. This
is also an essence of the archetypal feminine energy.
Brings an awareness of the potential that comes with allowing new light into one’s life. Encourages focus on the future, rather than dwelling on things past.
This essence lifts the heart, and re-aligns the heart chakra to reconnect with the Universal Spirit of Love. Recognising past hurts and allow them to waft into the past – gently, without deep emotional wrenching.
Effective for cleansing the total aura and repairing damaged areas resulting from physical, mental or spiritual injury to the body and the energy fields.
This essence counteracts the desolation of not wanting to be a part of the circumstances that surround one. Removes the desire to dissociate oneself and to overcome the dark emotions which erupt from deep within.
Strengthen positive connections with and allow one to draw the best from that ancestry while leaving more negative aspects behind. This Strengthens spiritual beliefs especially those from traditional or ancestral ties.