Homeopathic Treatments
Study Aid
$15.70Is specifically combined to reduce the stress often attached to learning and study for exams. The clear the fog and achieve balance between right & left hemispheres of the brain.
Size: 25 ml Stock Strength
Blended Essences ready to use in 25 ml dose strength bottles
Liquid First Aid
$15.70Liquid First Aid s specifically combined to remind the body it knows how to relieve stress and reduce the negative impact of emotional situations. It leaves one with the “everything will be alright, I can cope with this” feeling.
Size: 25 ml Stock Strength
Blended Essences ready to use in 25 ml dose strength bottles
All 7 Kits (shipping Included) AUSTRALIA only
$1,016.95All 7 Kits (including Australian shipping)
Use Coupon Code AKA/AIK at checkout
and tick Free Shipping7 essence kits of 12 stock essences – wildcrafted from Western Australia’s ancient and unique flora.
Rainbow Coast & Jarrah Forest Collection – brings balance to relationships, enhance acceptance of creativity and other talents.
Crystal Dreaming Collection – brings balance to areas of personal development, assist strengthening leadership & supporting aspects of life.
Midlands Collection – integrated learning & easing times of change. These may also assist in developing greater tolerance & acceptance of others and an appreciation of the value of diversity.
Spring Equinox – reversing the isolation of depression to reconnect with divine love, bring out awareness of the love & support available to all.
Gondwana Collection – regain resilience & regeneration of body, mind & spirit, after times of intense stress & adversity.
Bibbulmun Dreaming Collection – furthers a journey of discovery as a balanced, valued, loving & loved member of our universal community.
Archetypes – finalise the journey of personal & spiritual growth through which the Innate Healing Essences guide us.
Flower Essences-101 For Home & Clinic eBook
$75.00If you have ever done an internet search or asked yourself any of the following questions, then this eBook from Innate Healing Essences has all the answers and more?
What are flower essences?
How to make flower essences?
How to use flower essences?
How to make your own flower essences
where can i buy flower essences?
How long do flower essences remain active?
Do flower essences expire?How to use flower essences with animals
How to make a flower essences mix ( Blended Essences – Composite Essences) -
Dryandra Sessilis – Parrot Bush
$14.70Nurtures, protects and supports the knowledge of the soul’s purpose, increases patience while waiting until it is time to emerge from the cocoon.
Size: 15 ml Stock Strength
$15.70Assists moving on from one stage of life to the next, or beyond the veil as appropriate. Assists through the grieving process and letting go.
Size: 25 ml Stock Strength
Blended Essences ready to use in 25 ml dose strength bottles
Commitment Essence
$15.70Aids the development of a “Can Do” attitude, increases self confidence. Assists in overcoming issues of self sabotage.
Size: 25 ml Stock Strength
Blended Essences ready to use in 25 ml dose strength bottles
Clear Purpose
$15.70. Assists in reducing inappropriate stubbornness and reinforces and clarifies direction towards positive outcomes.
Size: 25 ml Stock Strength
Blended Essences ready to use in 25 ml dose strength bottles
Seasons Composite
$14.70For moving through times of change. “And this too, shall pass.” For bringing positive experiences into a new era, and releasing the negative aspects of the past. This
is also an essence of the archetypal feminine energy.Size: 15 ml Stock Strength
Conspicuous Cliffs Composite
$14.70To bring out the qualities of leadership and the ability to inspire and strengthen others – balancing of self doubt.
Size: 15 ml Stock Strength
New Day, New Light
$14.70Brings an awareness of the potential that comes with allowing new light into one’s life. Encourages focus on the future, rather than dwelling on things past.
Size: 15 ml Stock Strength
Long Dark Night of the Soul
$14.70An essence to reverse the isolation and restore connection with the environment and those things in life which bring both love and sustenance.
Size: 15 ml Stock Strength
Christmas Tree Well Composite
$14.70This essence lifts the heart, and re-aligns the heart chakra to reconnect with the Universal Spirit of Love. Recognising past hurts and allow them to waft into the past – gently, without deep emotional wrenching.
Size: 15 ml Stock Strength
Ashendon Rd Composite
$14.70Effective for cleansing the total aura and repairing damaged areas resulting from physical, mental or spiritual injury to the body and the energy fields.
Size: 15 ml Stock Strength
All 7 Kits (shipping Included) INTERNATIONAL only
$1,097.00All 7 Kits (including International shipping) ( non Australia)
Use Coupon Code AKA/AIK at checkout
and tick Free Shipping7 essence kits of 12 stock essences – wildcrafted from Western Australia’s ancient and unique flora.
Rainbow Coast & Jarrah Forest Collection – brings balance to relationships, enhance acceptance of creativity and other talents.
Crystal Dreaming Collection – brings balance to areas of personal development, assist strengthening leadership & supporting aspects of life.
Midlands Collection – integrated learning & easing times of change. These may also assist in developing greater tolerance & acceptance of others and an appreciation of the value of diversity.
Spring Equinox – reversing the isolation of depression to reconnect with divine love, bring out awareness of the love & support available to all.
Gondwana Collection – regain resilience & regeneration of body, mind & spirit, after times of intense stress & adversity.
Bibbulmun Dreaming Collection – furthers a journey of discovery as a balanced, valued, loving & loved member of our universal community.
Archetypes – finalise the journey of personal & spiritual growth through which the Innate Healing Essences guide us.
Spring Equinox Male Archetype
$14.70To assist in reversing the isolation of depression to reconnect self with Divine Love, and bring out awareness of the love and support for all.
Size: 15 ml Stock Strength
Spring Equinox Female Archetype
$14.70To assist in reversing the isolation of depression to reconnect self with Divine Love, and bring out awareness of the love and support for all.
Size: 15 ml Stock Strength
Rainbow Coast Male Archetype
$14.70Bring balance to relationships with self and others and to enhance acceptance of creativity and other talents.
Size: 15 ml Stock Strength
Rainbow Coast Female Archetype
$14.70Bring balance to relationships with self and others and to enhance acceptance of creativity and other talents.
Size: 15 ml Stock Strength
Midlands Male Archetype
$14.70For integrated learning and easing times of change. This also assists in bringing about attitudes of greater tolerance and acceptance of others and an appreciation of the value of diversity.
Size: 15 ml Stock Strength
Midlands Female Archetype
$14.70For integrated learning and easing times of change. This also assists in bringing about attitudes of greater tolerance and acceptance of others and an appreciation of the value of diversity.
Size: 15 ml Stock Strength
Gondwana Male Archetype
$14.70To regain resilience and regeneration of body mind and spirit, after times of intense stress and adversity.
Size: 15 ml Stock Strength
Gondwana Female Archetype
$14.70To regain resilience and regeneration of body mind and spirit, after times of intense stress and adversity.
Size: 15 ml Stock Strength
Crystal Dreaming Male Archetype
$14.70Bring balance to areas of personal development, and assist in strengthening the leadership and supporting aspects of life.
Size: 15 ml Stock Strength
Crystal Dreaming Female Archetype
$14.70Bring balance to areas of personal development, and assist in strengthening the leadership and supporting aspects of life.
Size: 15 ml Stock Strength
Bibbulmun Dreaming Male Archetype
$14.70Takes us further on our journey of discovery of self as a balanced, valued, loving and loved member of our Universal Community.
Size: 15 ml Stock Strength
Bibbulmun Dreaming Female Archetype
$14.70Takes us further on our journey of discovery of self as a balanced, valued, loving and loved member of our Universal Community.
Size: 15 ml Stock Strength
Xanthorrhoea Priessii – Balga or Grasstree
$14.70I am strong. I will survive. For strength to rejuvenate and revive after trauma or adversity.
Size: 15 ml Stock Strength
Xanthorrhoea Gracilis – Graceful Grasstree
$14.70Assists in providing the courage to reach out for fulfilment of soul’s purpose, dreams and ambitions.
Size: 15 ml Stock Strength
Ptilotus manglesii – Pink Mulla-Mulla
$14.70Assists in keeping Universal Love at the forefront of every aspect of life and all interactions. Radiates love in all situations.
Size: 15 ml Stock Strength
Olearia Muelleri – Goldfields Daisy
$14.70For strength, courage and love in times of extreme adversity or when life seems dry and lacking mental, physical or spiritual nourishment.
Size: 15 ml Stock Strength
Melaleuca Preissiana – Stout Paperbark
$14.70To assist in bringing love and light to others when the going seems tough and the way is long.
Size: 15 ml Stock Strength
Macrozamia Riedlei – Zamia palm
$14.70Assist in mental, physical and spiritual fertility and cross-pollination of ideas and aspirations. Drawing together those who will build & sustain.
Size: 15 ml Stock Strength
Isopogen Dubius – Pincushion Coneflower
$14.70Protecting ones spiritual and physical inner core while assisting others in tough situations or circumstances.
Size: 15 ml Stock Strength
Hovea Pungens – Devil’s Pins
$14.70Assists in seeing and expressing the way forward from tricky situations. The ability to display diplomacy in the face of strongly adverse opinions.
Size: 15 ml Stock Strength
Hakea Lissocarpha – Honeybush
$14.70Protection for the spiritual core or essence of a person or project which is under threat from those with different values.
Size: 15 ml Stock Strength