Bring balance to areas of personal development, and assist in strengthening the leadership and supporting aspects of life.
Size: 15 ml Stock Strength
Takes us further on our journey of discovery of self as a balanced, valued, loving and loved member of our Universal Community.
I am strong. I will survive. For strength to rejuvenate and revive after trauma or adversity.
Assists in providing the courage to reach out for fulfilment of soul’s purpose, dreams and ambitions.
Assists in keeping Universal Love at the forefront of every aspect of life and all interactions. Radiates love in all situations.
For strength, courage and love in times of extreme adversity or when life seems dry and lacking mental, physical or spiritual nourishment.
To assist in bringing love and light to others when the going seems tough and the way is long.
Assist in mental, physical and spiritual fertility and cross-pollination of ideas and aspirations. Drawing together those who will build & sustain.
Protecting ones spiritual and physical inner core while assisting others in tough situations or circumstances.
Assists in seeing and expressing the way forward from tricky situations. The ability to display diplomacy in the face of strongly adverse opinions.
Protection for the spiritual core or essence of a person or project which is under threat from those with different values.
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